Then the words, and more words started coming! Sign language was a huge help for us during the early days of communication. I can’t stress enough how this helped us through those rough moments of panic for milk or food. Now a days its lots of mama, dada, sit, come, hush (to our crazy puppies who like to bark constantly), and more food, and every now and then “cookies?”. I’m so proud of how far she has come and continues to learn something new everyday. Our little love has grown into a little lady and is so independent. It fills my heart knowing that she loves going to school and learning from her sweet teachers. She loves following their lead and loves helping out the other children in class
To sum up the last year: 1. You can really function on a lot of coffee to make up for the loss of sleep. 2. Babies love their schedule and if you mess with it you pay for it! 3. Sweet baby snuggles and milestones make your year and forget all those tough moments. 4. Hello Toddlerhood!
We’ve gotten a taste of toddler life the past week. Diaper changes, pjs changes, meal time and the lovely car seat buckling have all turned into a wrestling, bribing, or game plans with lots of change of directions/distractions. I’m looking forward to all the exciting memories we will create this year even though we will come across the inevitable tantrums. So here is to year 2 and the after hour bedtime mommy juices that will be consumed after those crazy toddler days 😉