August 2016
The Welborn family welcomed sweet baby Jacob a few weeks earlier than expected. I guess he was ready to join in all the fun his older brother’s were having. After finally settling in back at home with new Baby Jacob and their 2 other sons I was happy to come over for his newborn session. Does it get any better any 3 little boys sitting around in a toy firetruck… no seriously I don’t think it does
Parents Matt and Erinn, are no stranger to the newborn phase, having gone through it with two other boys not to long ago. Big Brothers Luke and Owen were great helpers and kept tabs on new baby Brother Jacob during the shoot. It seriously was the sweetest thing. Both wanted their own picture taken with their little brother. I could tell the Welborn Family knew had to have a great time. Dad, Matt threw both bigger boys on his shoulders during the session. I could tell how much they looked up to him. The few hours I spent with Mom, Erinn I could tell she is a SUPER Mom! Her little men loveee her and showered her with little hugs and kisses the whole session. It was so heartwarming. I can’t wait to see the Welborn boys grow into little men. Welcome to the world Jacob!