Tips for DIY Monthly Baby Photos
Hey there new mamas or ones with a little one on the way! We all know babies don’t keep, they grow and change so much in the first year that we love to document everything. Camera phones and affordable DSLRs make it easy to capture all the specials moments in a baby’s first year, including monthly photos. As a new mom I wanted to make sure I took a photo of my babes each month to see how they grow. I also knew it would be something to cherish and look back on at their 1st Birthday and years to come. So if you’re like me and like taking these pics yourself here are some helpful tips! These were taken this past weekend for little lady’s 4 month photo session.
1. Decide on a theme. Here are some adorable ideas I saw on Pinterest…
- Use the same object or stuff animal with the baby each month to see how they’ve grown
- Monthly stickers or blanket
- Chalkboard or felt board with monthly stats, likes, and achievement
- Floral wreaths
- Banners, signs, lots of cute things on Etsy
I decided on a felt board with the month and a different flower for every month. I totally have a thing for babes and beautiful bouqs. (you can see that trend with my baby girl newborn sessions:) )
2. Find a “blank canvas” area or use a solid neutral blanket as a back drop. I love to use my girl’s crib comforters as their back drop. Another great spot is a corner of the nursery without a lot of distractions (no toys, baby items, decor, etc) is also a great spot to snap photos.
3. Use the natural light to your advantage. Open the curtains and blinds and turn off the lights, no one likes a yellow glow in their photos. Place the baby or your subject towards the light. Make sure when snapping the pics that you don’t block the light!
Enjoy the 1st year with your sweet babe! Capture all those all little moments 🙂